Prehab and Maintenance Care

Maintenance care into your training schedule is the most effective ways to avoid injury.


Incorporating regular prehab maintenance care into your training schedule is one of the most effective ways to proactively avoid injury, maximize your potential, and achieve your peak performance.

Ask any athlete what their goals are and it is likely that getting stronger, faster and staying injury-free rank near the top of the list. Incorporating regular prehabilitation care into your training schedule is one of the most effective ways to achieve this. Think of this as maintenance for your muscles; prehab can help you proactively avoid injury, maximize your potential, and achieve peak performance.


Our prehab program starts with a 45 minute individual session with a physical therapist, where we proactively identify any muscle weaknesses that might negatively impact your training. Your physical therapist will create a customized maintenance program to help you achieve optimal performance. Your prehab program can include:

  • 3D Exercises to Build Strength, Mobility, Flexibility, Balance and Endurance
  • Manual Soft Tissue Work to Restore Tissue Health and Movement, including Active Release Techniques and Soft Tissue Treatment
    Home Exercise Programs to Optimize Recovery
  • Gait Analysis using Motion Metrix technology (when applicable)

Don’t wait for an injury to keep you from crossing your finish line!


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